Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Weatherford, C. (2006). Moses. New York, New York: Hyperion Books for Children.

This book is about Harriet Tubman and her journey on the Underground Railroad. It depicts the faith that she had, and the hardships she went through including having to sleep for days in a potato hole. Weatherford shows how Tubman never believed she was alone, she always felt that God was with her. It talks about her 9 different trips to the South and back, trying to rescue people from the horrors of slavery. The book depicts her incredible bravery and her resilience to continue to do the right thing. The paintings and the overall writing of the book are excellently done.

The book would be great for incorporating social studies in with Language Arts. This part of history is rich with different themes such as bravery and boldness in the midst of hardship. It would be neat to talk about standing up for what you believe in and having kids ponder that question.

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